Massage in the harbour of Kuopio!

Relaxation  •  Deeptissue massage  •  Sports massage  •  Trigger points
Equipment Rental

Massage in the harbour of Kuopio!

Relaxation  •  Deep tissue massage
Sports massage  •  Triggerpoints
Equipment rental

Hieroja Paul Davies

Paul Davies

My name is Paul Davies and I have been living in Finland for almost 15 years, the past 12 here in Kuopio. I graduated from Kuopio massage school in 2010 as a sports massage therapist and started working for Kalpa Hockey the same summer.

After 11 years as the massage therapist for the Liiga team I am now starting my own company based in the harbour. It was an amazing opportunity to work with so many great players, coaches and backroom staff. I have enhanced my skills as a massage therapist over the years due to the close working relationship with the players, physiotherapist and doctors.

Sport has always played a big part in my life from a young age. Growing up in Wales I was playing sports throughout the year, rugby and football during autumn, winter and spring with the summer months on the cricket field.

Hieroja Paul Davies

Paul Davies

My name is Paul Davies and I have been living in Finland for almost 15 years, the past 12 here in Kuopio. I graduated from Kuopio massage school in 2010 as a sports massage therapist and started working for Kalpa Hockey the same summer.

After 11 years as the massage therapist for the Liiga team I am now starting my own company based in the harbour. It was an amazing opportunity to work with so many great players, coaches and backroom staff. I have enhanced my skills as a massage therapist over the years due to the close working relationship with the players, physiotherapist and doctors.

Sport has always played a big part in my life from a young age. Growing up in Wales I was playing sports throughout the year, rugby and football during autumn, winter and spring with the summer months on the cricket field.

-10% on all massages

The discount is valid for police officers, firefighters, EMTs, nurses, and doctors.

-10% on all massages

The discount is valid for police officers, firefighters, EMTs, nurses, and doctors.

Elevate hieronta ja hyvinvointi

What to expect from the service?

I believe it is very important to communicate with clients so they can understand where their pain is coming from and how to find the relief they need. It is vital for the client and myself to be on the same page in order to achieve the best possible results. Whether it be in sports or life in general- customers will be able to achieve greater range of movement, less muscular pain and feeling better overall.

I will use the experience and intuition I have gained over the past decade to provide a well-rounded massage treatment for my customers. I offer a wide range of techniques including, relaxation, deep tissue, sports massage, myofascial release technique and trigger point therapy.

I aim to increase my knowledge in different areas of massage therapy by attending a variety of courses to keep me up to date on new techniques and treatments.

Effective and efficient

It is recommended to get a massage every 2-4 weeks. This depends on your personal health and the reasons for your visit. It is not always possible to get a massage this often but a 3-5 session package over a couple months should give you a better understanding of what is going on in your body.

Initial phase (pain relief): A course of intensive and frequent treatments to reduce discomfort, enhance movement and drive improvement. (reduce pain and improve mobility)

Restorative phase: Focus of this phase will become restorative, returning your body to avoid the return of discomfort. (restore function and encourage rehab)

Wellness phase: Designed to manage any continuing discomfort, deter deterioration and support your posture. (prevent reoccurrence and maintain improvements)

Elevate hieronta ja hyvinvointi

What to expect from the service?

I believe it is very important to communicate with clients so they can understand where their pain is coming from and how to find the relief they need. It is vital for the client and myself to be on the same page in order to achieve the best possible results. Whether it be in sports or life in general- customers will be able to achieve greater range of movement, less muscular pain and feeling better overall.

I will use the experience and intuition I have gained over the past decade to provide a well-rounded massage treatment for my customers. I offer a wide range of techniques including, relaxation, deep tissue, sports massage, myofascial release technique and trigger point therapy.

Effective and efficient

It is recommended to get a massage every 2-4 weeks. This depends on your personal health and the reasons for your visit. A 3-5 session package should give you a better understanding of what is going on in your body.

Initial phase (pain relief): A course of intensive and frequent treatments to reduce discomfort, enhance movement and drive improvement. (reduce pain and improve mobility)

Restorative phase: Focus of this phase will become restorative, returning your body to avoid the return of discomfort. (restore function and encourage rehab)

Wellness phase: Designed to manage any continuing discomfort, deter deterioration and support your posture. (prevent reoccurrence and maintain improvements)


Improves quality of sleep  •  Fastens recovery
Relaxes your mind and body  •  Reduces pain and swelling  •  Improves mobility and flexibility

Better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief. It aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension.

A focused deep tissue massage. A combination of deep and light modalities to loosen muscle knots, improve blood flow, and prevent lactic acid buildup.

A neuromuscular therapy designed to speed up recovery from injury, correct muscular imbalances and relieve pain. Helps to relive muscle tension and promote healing.

Whilst suffering from ever or other contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem. Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication. After recent operations or acute injuries. If you have neuritis or skin diseases.


Improves quality of sleep  •  Fastens recovery Relaxes your mind and body  • Reduces pain and swelling • Improves mobility and flexibility

Better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief. It aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension.

A focused deep tissue massage. A combination of deep and light modalities to loosen muscle knots, improve blood flow, and prevent lactic acid buildup.

A neuromuscular therapy designed to speed up recovery from injury, correct muscular imbalances and relieve pain. Helps to relive muscle tension and promote healing.

When should you take a break from massages?

Whilst suffering from ever or other contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem. Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication. After recent operations or acute injuries. If you have neuritis or skin diseases.


Massage in Kuopio!



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© Elevate hieronta- ja hyvinvointipalvelut | Paul Davies
+358 50 338 2747

© Elevate hieronta- ja hyvinvointipalvelut | Paul Davies